Provides a full blown x server running kde among other desktops 提供了全功能的运行kde的x服务器(以及其他桌面) 。
Sometimes a simple question can blossom into a full blown article 有时,一个简单的问题可以衍生出一篇完整的文章。
Gareth thomas said : " we have a window of opportunity now to stop a full blown aids epidemic in china Gareth thomas说: “我们正面临着一个大好机会,来阻止艾滋病在中国的大规模蔓延。
In my twilight , unfocused state i saw him almost as a spirit shape rather than a full blown person 我当时正处于那种视力模糊的懵懂状态中,而他对我来说,就像个幽灵,而不是一个完整的人影。
The dollars involved in the u . s . - japan agreement have exploded before our very eyes , and the media attention to all of this now is full blown on an international level 在以前我们看过很多次美国和日本球队谈判破裂,媒体的注意力现在都放在国际级的层次上。
That same year mystic pizza came out , in which julia ' s screen persona appears full blown : the salty , self - aware beauty - next - door , the believable goddess with the big mouth and big hair 同年《神秘的匹萨饼》出台,在该片中,朱莉娅的银幕形象趋于丰满:一个机智、敏感的邻家美人,一个有张大嘴和一头长发的可信赖的女神。
This sort of processing goes slightly beyond what one can usually do with basic text utilities , but it nonetheless remains more ad hoc , flexible , and simpler than the full blown apis of an xml parser interface 这种处理略微超出了通常基本文本实用程序的处理能力,但是尽管如此,它仍然比xml解析器接口极度膨胀的api要更特别、灵活及简单。